Being in a city where you don’t know anyone can be tough.  Did anyone ever warn you that creating new friendships as an adult would be tough? What if told you that its the perfect opportunity to focus on dating your spouse. Sure, people tell you all the time to make time for date night, but with kids, work, extra curricular activities, schedules, projects, laundry and dinner how could you possibly make the time?

Date night is an exercise in discipline.  Just like you make time for everything else, date night has to be just as important.  Now I realize that as an empty nester in a town where I know no one, its much easier but really. BUT, not only can it be just the spark you need, but it helps you to continually relearn your mate.  I guarantee your husband isn’t the same man he was 5 years ago and your wife is certainly not interested in the same things she was 10 years ago.  Assuming that a person hasn’t experienced any personal growth is dangerous.  Maybe they’re looking for a window to explore new things or try new foods.  Date night is the place to make all of those dreams (and yours) come to life.

Now remember, its not a chore.  My husband and I take turns deciding what’s on the agenda every Thursday night.  Sometimes its a movie under the covers, sometimes its a new restaurant, the latest movie, or some event that we’re curious to attend.  Whatever the choice, it should be fun and filled with silliness.  Even if you’re like us and love any chance to enjoy fine dining, we always find something hilarious to giggle about at the table.  If there’s a Thursday night conflict, we always reschedule.  Fitting in the occasional NBA or NFL game. We’ve even invited each other to fitness classes.  My husband invited me to his Body Pump class, but short of dying it was fun.  He’s even indulged my hot yoga obsession.  I’m seriously debating if he’ll try spin class with me.

Here’s my point, date night isn’t just about making time for your spouse.  Its just as much for you as for them.  A hard work week, makes Thursday night a welcomed treat for me no matter what we find ourselves getting into.  Since my husband works from home, I can only imagine his excitement to leave the routine of home.

Make it work and it will work for you. Who knows. . . it just might make you a better spouse!

~ Miss Rii 💋💋💋